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Moon Knight

Writer's picture: emilyawemilyaw

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

created for television by Jeremy Slater, 2022-present

There are certain Marvel stories that are just worth knowing more than others. Moon Knight is definitely one of those that is worth your time. If you are picky about which Marvel movies and series you watch, please add this to your watchlist.

Moon Knight is a series about a man named Steven Grant, who thinks that he sleepwalks, but soon discovers that he instead is entangled in the world of the Egyptian god of the moon. It is somehow classic Marvel, yet a completely fresh and separate story from what we have seen so far. It is extremely refreshing to see new faces in the Marvel world and to explore the billions of options of what could happen to new characters with special abilities. It was also just plain awesome to get a story about Egyptian gods. I think the gods of Egypt are often overlooked in favor of other mythology, despite them being just as incredible.

The characters in this series were classically Marvel in that they were all charming and human. Everyone is flawed and motivated in ways deeply relatable to us, and are people we would enjoy spending time with in real life. Marvel usually does a great job of this. My favorite character by far ended up being Layla, who was far more badass than anyone else in the series. The main character, played by Oscar Isaac, was terribly charming and one of the greatest reasons for watching the series. The characters are now some of my favorites in the MCU.

The aesthetic of this series is something I hope gets picked up by a lot of others. I don’t think Egyptian history is explored enough in today’s television series, which is saddening because it’s so interesting! This series was badass, intense, and really fun! It had gods and powers that were new and different, but still kept the tone of a Marvel movie. It fits greatly into the world of the MCU and is just as rewatchable as the movies about other heroes. In fact, I may actually be more inclined to rewatch Moon Knight than the other Marvel television series I’ve watched.

One thing I will say about this series is it definitely was not a satisfying ending to me. It was marketed as a limited series, but the ending did not tie things up in a bow as I would have liked, and left a huge question unanswered. While I am not a huge fan of turning miniseries into ones with multiple seasons, I would genuinely like to see a second season of this, or at least an appearance of Steven Grant in another Marvel product. I don’t think the character is finished being played out, and I want my questions answered!

I highly recommend this series to anyone remotely interested in the MCU. I also encourage this to be someone’s introduction into the MCU if they have somehow not seen anything else. It is not at all attached to other Marvel characters, and I think demonstrates well how much heart Marvel can show. Basically, if this show is on your radar, watch it! You won’t regret it because I promise you will have a good time watching, even if you are left with some questions at the end! Also, stay tuned when the series is over, because, as is classic Marvel, there are some post-credit scenes that are very important!

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